Horoscopes Are Crap
I know. I KNOW. They're useless and puerile and written by sports editors.
If you read and believe them you're sad and immature and demented.
This isn't about me, it's about my car : )
When I apply the principles of numerology to Erik the Red's rego according to an illustrious weekly rag which shall, for my own pride, remain nameless (well, people shouldn't leave it on the break table) I get this:
7 - a good car for writers and those in the spiritual fields as it encourages
in-depth thought and analysis. Your intuition is high while you're behind the wheel. However, this car breaks down often or attracts minor dents.
Well! Where do I write all my best material?
Whose car is more often at the mechanics than anyone else you know?
It's unbelievable... It's amazing... It's RUBBISH.
But we all need something to cling to : )
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