
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Har har! (Ala Nelson Muntz)

I got laughed at in the library today!

I was waiting patiently in line, thinking my thoughts. A middle-aged couple came through the door, arm-in-arm, and just before they passed me at the counter the man tried to stifle a giggle. It didn't work. He laughed, loudly. He kept laughing. After another couple of metres his missus obviously wanted to know what was so amusing, so he stopped, turned around and pointed at me.

"That girl," he boomed, "is carrying TWO CANS OF SOUP!"

It's true. I was. The library is running a fine amnesty. I'd resigned myself to never visiting a library again, but bring in a can of food for their charity drive and the slate will be wiped clean. Goodbye, debt! As I'm very good at borrowing library books but rather remiss at returning them, I had quite a tidy sum owing indeed. A simple can of baked beans wasn't going to do it, so I bought two enormous cans of the nicest soup I could find. I did pause in Woolworths, flirting with the idea of tinned oysters, but worried that they weren't very hearty (or tasty) and perhaps would be taken as sarcastic.

Anyway, I guess there are worse things to be than a source of amusement.


At 7/7/05 9:43 pm, Blogger M said...

yes, soup is probably better....

cause even though our magnificent leader Mr Costello wants everyone to populate the country, even he migh baulk at the thought of providing oysters to the unpriviledged.

har har


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