
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Gallery of Broken Girls

For myself, I guess I'm just pissed off today. A lot of it is my own doing - as always, I've loaded myself up with too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it in - and some of it isn't - now that it's connected there's a fault with our phone line and we have to wait for technicians and I have to drive across town to check my email and there's a mouse living in the kitchen that our estate agent doesn't want to know about and my old estate agent needs me back to sign MORE forms and I've given up my day off in favour of captioning Oprah for five hours - and then some of it doesn't have anything to do with me but pisses me off anyway. It seems that virtually everyone I love is having an utterly awful time at the moment through no fault of their own and there's nothing I can do except be there and listen and make cups of tea. And sometimes I can't even do that. I know, deep breath, things will settle down, it's a test of strength, it's not as bad as you think - but sometimes I have the feeling the universe is conspiring against us, and if anyone else uses the word 'challenging' today I think I'm going to bite them.


At 31/3/05 1:54 pm, Blogger Magnificent Trout said...

Too true. Too true.


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