
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

That said...

I'm in love with Year 6 and I'm going to marry them.
Three weeks in and no-one's told me I suck yet.
They laugh at my [pathetic attempts at] jokes.
They say hello to me in the playground.
They remember my name.

Strange. Very strange.

(Whispers) Oh, dear, could this be my niche?


At 23/2/07 5:15 pm, Blogger moviemerlin said...

At least no-one's told you to 'Get Bent'. It must be nice to see students on the other side of the spectrum.

At 29/3/07 5:42 pm, Blogger toast said...

Hi MT, Tiest here. Could you send me your email? I believe you know what mine is. You might even know why I'm emailing - if you talked to Neeka lately. (for hint of mine...
(my first and last names with no space inbetween) at fastmail dot com dot au

At 29/3/07 7:19 pm, Blogger moviemerlin said...

Friend? Are you there???


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