
Friday, November 11, 2005

The Case of the Disappearing Fish

Oh, where, oh, where has my little fish gone?
Oh where, oh, where could he be?
With his gills cut short and his tail cut long...

My fish has disappeared. I fed him last night when I came home from work and when I went in to visit him this morning he was gone. The brandy balloon he swims in is upright, the food undisturbed on the surface of the water. The cat doesn't look any more smug than usual and, anyway, I kept the door shut. He wasn't languishing on my desk, behind the TV or on the floor.

Do UFOs take fish as well as people?
Can there be a rip in the space-time continuum small enough to fit a fish through?
Did I...gulp...ever have a fish in the first place?


At 12/11/05 9:47 am, Blogger M said...

I sometimes have this dream that I am eating a very large and tough lasagne - only to wake up with my pillow half in my mouth....

At 14/11/05 1:52 pm, Blogger Magnificent Trout said...

Just what are you insinuating?!
That would be like eating my own children. And crunchy.

At 14/11/05 7:43 pm, Blogger Magnificent Trout said...

And, come to think of it, would require somnambulism.

At 15/11/05 8:13 pm, Blogger M said...

if eating your children were NOT crunchy, I'd be worried.... not that I recommend eating your children. you can buy veal at the supermarket these days.... i'll give up now.


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