
Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Terrible Allure of New Ideas

For someone whose main talent seems to lie in agreeing to do stuff, I seem to be getting the hang of this 'no' thing : )

Got offered a job this afternoon. A day job, if you like, a few mornings a week teaching Italian at a primary school down the coast. Like I always do, I jumped at the idea, the brain started whirring... I LOVE new ideas.
But - I know, I know - that doesn't mean they're any good, and after a bit of thought I realised it wasn't for me and called back to say so.

  • keeping my hand in with teaching in general and with Ed Qld in particular (if you quit the department you tend to be relegated to the 'sin bin' for a bit to contemplate your wrongdoings - I seem to have been prematurely forgiven)
  • working with little people - something I've not done before and a useful addition to my CV
  • brain stretch - actually getting to apply all that study to something and really having to THINK about work


  • it's down the coast, which means daily trips on the M1
  • having to give up Vince's work, which is, let's be honest, easy, well-paid and guaranteed for the next year and a half
  • it's more work for less pay - and that includes prep and marking, people :- {
  • let's not forget it's down the coast
  • I keep bitching about not having any free time as it is!

Really, I guess you must be wondering how I even considered it at all... I think I'm just addicted to opportunity. But be proud of me, my friends, for saying no for a change : )


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