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I wish I'd never come across the term 'Spam castanets', but then it's a dangerous line of work I'm in!
This quirky, interesting and often thoroughly disturbing film has unbelievably incredible subtitles : ) I was in K-mart the other day and saw the DVD for $9 and couldn't help myself - I did about three-quarters of the captioning on it and in this industry it's not often that you get to see your own work, let alone buy it. Cool! It's the story of a community in, I think, the Northern Territory who have taken themselves off the map in favour of a little self-rule, complete with resident dictator (Daddy-O), batman (Reggie - easily my favourite character) and forced resident (Teddy - who gets drugged and taken there to widen the gene pool a tad). There are, I think, some pretty impressive performances, and it was directed by Stephan Elliott (who did 'Priscilla') so the cinematography is rather fantastic too.
There's a nice bit towards the start - a hitchhiker has been dropped off and is walking off into the proverbial sunset. He's only wearing one thong.
"Hey, mate! You lose your shoe?"
"Nah, mate. Found one."
Just don't see it with anyone you don't know terribly well!
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