
Friday, April 22, 2005

Sexy Specs

Today, God bless me, I am downright gorgeous!

It's been a good day. (Can you tell?) It's raining, for a start, which means winter is on the way and my favourite boots can be dusted off for another time around.

This afternoon I got paid to read Chekhov and eat Fruit Tingles - Vince had a written Italian exam and only needed me really for the first 10 minutes as the instructions were being read out, but I had to be there just in case anything needed interpreting. After his stellar performance last year I'm not sure how he's going to fare this semester. First year is quite straightforward, textbook stuff, but, to the credit of the teachers, as you progress in the course more elements of analysis are criticism are introduced, and they rely quite heavily on an understanding of texts and grammar that we take for granted in English but which are developed very differently in Sign. The poor lad was feeling very frustrated during our exam cram on the weekend, and I had to remind him that, in effect, he's learning his third language THROUGH his second language - no mean feat, and his success so far is something to be very proud of. Then I had to give him a crash course in fascism : )

This morning I went to be measured for my new glasses. I saw the optometrist on Monday after I realised I was squinting at the television again and she's confirmed that my prescription needs updating. The fabulous news is that, thanks to leaps and bounds in lens technology (!) I can now have nice, small, funky glasses like everybody else. Up until now, the whole blended multifocal thing has meant I've had to have quite deep lenses to accomodate the field - isn't this riveting? - and also prevents me from wearing contacts. ANYHOW, I've picked out some very sexy new frames and, joy of joys, I'll have sunglasses again. And they've got a new digital camera...I've seen the inside of my eyes...oooh!


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