
Thursday, March 03, 2005

How the Mighty Have Fallen

In order to make sure that everybody working on one program can tell all the voices apart and writes the right prefixes on their captions, we often have to leave little notes for each other describing the various people featured in a show. So no matter how important you are, beware - you could always be reduced to:

(Bald with salt-and-pepper moustache)
(Beige curtains, purple tie)
(Looks like David from The Movie Show)
(Really shrill English accent)
(White pleated lampshade)
(Revolting red sofa)

These are all from an expose documentary about the Iraq War that I'm captioning, and I'm not too sure about the quality of the editing. If ever there was a government job to go for, it has to be the one belonging to the man whose graphic read:

Responsible for the President's Daily Brie

Hee hee!


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