
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Yes way.

Only in [Iron Chef] America:

Wow, a lot of vegetation going into the saute pot there...

He is literally a stained-glass window of culinary style.

Of course, this mushroom can't be farmed - it's grown exclusively in the wild in this country.

That dish is literally a baroque orchestra of flavour.

I'm off to beat my head against something solid.


At 27/10/06 11:55 pm, Blogger moviemerlin said...

Hehe.. I can see how that would've annoyed the Magnificent Trout!

At 28/10/06 7:20 pm, Blogger M said...

Is it really that bad?

What better combination? Frenetic Japanese combat-theatre cooking and the land of the 10 pound steak burgers?

c'mon - I think your standards are WAAAAY 2 hi.


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